Business Case Studies, Diversification Strategies Case Study, ITC,Adding Shareholder Value through Diversifications

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Diversification Strategies Case Study

Case Title:

ITC: Adding Shareholder Value through Diversifications

Publication Year : 2006

Authors: Balaji, IIMT

Industry: Conglomerates


Case Code: DIS0027

Teaching Note: Not Available

Structured Assignment: Not Available

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The case "ITC: Adding Shareholder Value through Diversifications" offers a detailed account of the challenges faced by ITC in its core business of cigarettes and its diversification into non-tobacco business is also traced. The case presents an overview of the Indian tobacco industry, various players in the industry and the challenges confronting them. The case study provides a useful setting for teaching diversification strategy of conglomerates being employed by a large firm (ITC) in a fast developing economy (India). The focus of the case study is on the challenge of transformation of ITC from a concentric firm (tobacco and cigarette major) to a highly diversified corporate enterprise.

Pedagogical Objectives:

  • To identify the motivations for ITC to diversify
  • To analyse the mode of diversification employed by ITC to increase its shareholders value and discuss its appropriateness
  • To debate on the challenges that ITC would face in the new businesses that it has diversified into· To chart the future of ITC.

Keywords : ITC (Indian Tobacco Company); Global tobacco companies; Cigarette companies in India; Diversification Strategies Case Study; Tobacco companies in South-East Asia; Anti-tobacco regulations in India; BAT (British American Tobacco); Diversification strategies; Shareholder value; Indian tobacco industry; Indian fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector; Indian hospitality industry; Indian ready-to-eat market; Indian confectionery market; Indian branded atta market; Indian apparel industry

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